That’s how all nomad blogs should start right? Well I did and this blog will be all about my experiences working on the road. From reflections on how things are going (both good & bad) to what I get up to in the cities I’m visiting.
I decided a few months ago that I could do my job pretty much anywhere. I was sat at my desk in London where we mostly communicated via Slack. I’m not saying this is a bad thing it’s just how it was. It dawned on me then that I could be doing the exact same thing somewhere else. I also knew that I had nothing holding me back. I don’t own a 🏠, 🐶, 🚗 and I don’t have any children so what was stopping me. I also knew that if I didn’t do it now I never would.
So I packed up some of my clothes into a backpack* and set off for my first destination, Berlin.

*p.s this actually took some time so I will do another post detailing how I minimised my possessions.
KC x